The future is what you make it

In the year 2137 AD, echoes of our past have faded into obscurity. Earth bears the scars of relentless climate change, driving humanity to the brink of survival.
Across the globe, scattered colonies struggle to endure in the face of adversity.
The fate of our species hangs in the balance,
and it is you who holds the power to shape what comes next.

Create characters and stories

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Expand the surviving colonies

Generate images and stories of characters living in the colonies and submit them to our community. Watch your characters come to life.

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Create new colonies

Step into the role of creator and envision new landscapes with us! Unleash your imagination as you sculpt worlds waiting to be brought to life.

Discover the Colonies

Join or Create Creative Rooms

Each Colony features its own creative spaces where you can collaborate with others to craft the story and adventures of the colony using the medium that resonates with you.

These Creative Rooms serve as the crucible for collective imagination, where every contribution adds depth and richness to the evolving tale. Once polished, these creations will be submitted for publication, promising rewards for both creators and participants alike.

Learn more about the Creative Rooms

Let's create together the first Decentralized Cinematic Universe

Assemble alongside fellow visionaries to weave a tapestry of interconnected narratives, where every voice is heard and every idea contributes to the vibrant mosaic of cinematic exploration. From the depths of our collective imagination emerges a new era of storytelling, where innovation thrives and collaboration knows no bounds.

Gain 2137AD Tokens

Participate into the creations and development of the 2137AD Universe and gain special Tokens.
Use them to take part into decisions, votations and much more.

Learn more

Look at the amazing perks

Collaborating in a Creative Room isn't just about shaping Earth in the year 2137 AD and beyond; it also comes with fantastic perks.

Each Creative Room will be submitted for publishing, offering you incredible rewards.

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Creative Rooms
Member-only access

Access to members-only Creative Room to contribute to the creative direction of content.

Unlimited PTO Icon - GenerativeAI X Webflow Template

IP Rights

33% of the rights of the Books, Graphic Novels, Tv Series etc created.

Ecosystem Restoration

10% of every purchase goes towards
buying trees to be planted by 2030,
supporting the '1 Trillion Trees' project'

Career Growth Icon - GenerativeAI X Webflow Template

Exclusive contact with the StoryTeller

Get in touch with the Master StoryTeller and join them into creating this new Universe.

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Exclusive Discord

Access to the Discord Server to join your Colony

In partnership with

Begin your adventure!

Become characters you create, tell their stories, take part into the battle for life, and create with the community the books, graphic novels, games, tv series and much more.

Interested in joining the adventure? Start by creating your first character!

the 2137AD World

You can  to visit the Colonies that are present now.

You can also build new Characters and new Colonies.

Experience the future of entertainment

Unveil a new era of storytelling as you step into the extraordinary world of 2137AD Cinematic Universe. Witness the evolution of entertainment unfold before your eyes and experience the future like never before.

Get started
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